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  • Media

  • Weather

  • Sports

  • Education

  • Organizations and Clubs

  • Government/Civic Sites

  • Miscellaneous

  • Dallas-Fort Worth Media 
    bullet Auto Revista - Bilingual auto magazine
    bullet KERA - 90.1 FM
    bullet KHKS - 106.1FM
    bullet KISS FM - Kidd Kraddick Morning Show
  • KGBS- Internet@Night Talk Radio
  • bullet KLUV - 98.7 FM
    bullet KVIL - 103.7 FM
    bullet KTXQ - 102.1 FM
    bullet KXAS - NBC Channel 5
    bullet WBAP - 820 AM
    bullet Current Dallas-Ft Worth Weather Info
    bullet Current National Weather Map
    bullet National Weather Service Forecast
    bullet Dallas / Fort Worth Weather Forecast
    bullet Texas Weather Radar Map
    Sports     Click here for Dallas Cowboys   Click here for Stars   Click Here for Mavericks   Click here for Rangers
    bullet Beckett's B Online    
    bullet Dallas Cowboys-The Boys
    bullet Dallas Cowboys: Newsgroup
    bullet Dallas/Fort Worth SportsNet
    bullet Dallas Mavericks: Newsgroup   
    bullet Texas Rangers: Newsgroup  
    bullet "Unofficial" TCU Sports page
    bullet Birdville ISD 
    bullet Dallas Baptist University
    bullet Dallas County Community Colleges
    bullet Eastfield College
    bullet Episcopal School of Dallas 
    bullet Richardson Independent School District
    bullet Richland College
    bullet Southern Methodist University
    bullet Texas Christian University 
    bullet University of Dallas 
    bullet University of Texas at Arlington
    bullet University of Texas at Dallas
    Non-Profit Organizations and Clubs 
    bullet American Poolplayers Association- Camel Pool League
    bullet Bipolar Bear Cub  Resources, Information, and Support for individuals and families affected by Bipolar Disorder.
    bullet Dallas Tap Jazzlers
    bullet Dallas Wind Symphony
    bullet Daylily Growers of Dallas 
    bullet International Arthurian Society - Scholarly Journal about King Arthur
    bullet Lone Star Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication
    bullet Moms Club of Lewisville
    bullet Moms Club of Southwest Arlington   

    Regional Government/Civic Sites 

    bullet Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau
    bullet Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce
    bullet Lewisville Convention and Visitors Bureau
    bullet City of Lewisville - City of Lewisville on-line.
    bullet North Central Texas Council of Governments
    bullet City of Richardson   


    bullet The DFW Almanac
    bullet Belle Starre Carriages
    bullet DFWmetro Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
    bullet On-Line Music
    bullet Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Web Site
    bullet Yahoo's Texas Index   
    bullet Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 

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